domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Teaching literacy with JOLLY PHONICS (Class-related response "CRR")


Date: 17th of September

On Wednesday, we started the class with a practical lesson "The Phonics". 

I would like to talk about the class develop and at the end of this post I will show you some useful resources to continue learning the phonemes in the upper grades of elementary school.

During the class...

The first thing that we did in class was a little warm up related with the sounds "How many sounds can we find in the English language?" "Are there the same number of sounds and letters?"

After these kind of questions, the teacher gave us the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and some words with different number of syllables, we had to classify them with their corresponding phonemes.

Finally, we learnt to differentiate between the phonetics and phonology. Also with this class, now we know that to making a meaning we need four essential concepts: 

- Phonics
- Grammar
- Knowledge of the context
- Word recognition and graphic knowledge

Synthetic Phonics

Since we were young we have to learnt how to write in English, it´s grammar, how to pronunce the words as the same way that we write it to remember it in the exam... and this is awful!

The Synthetic Phonics is a method to teach reading and writing. It is based on learning how letters or groups of letters correspond with sounds.
For this methos we can use different resources:

- YO-YO Phonics
- Jolly Phonics

We will delve into the Jolly Phonics world. One of the best ways from my point of view based on learning to read and to write.


I discovered the Jolly Phonics method the last year in my stay in Ireland during the teaching practices. A resource that I found really useful and practical to implement in the classroom.
I love that Rachel bring us to our class!

The Jolly Phonics is a fun approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. A motivated method for children with mimic.
The sounds are taught in a specific order, not alphabetically, but first we learn the letters most used in English and then the least.

Here you have some useful web resources:

How to continue with this Method

To continue with this synthetic method in upper primary levels I advise the following books designed for the acquisition of a good pronunciation and the introduction to reading in English in a fun way.

From my point of view these books are very useful and practical resources for primary students.

- Sounds OK

The perfect books to continue with the learning of phonics in a hight level. It includes the acquisition of a good pronunciation of individual phonemes and also the diphthongs.

- Mr Men & Little Miss Books

Little books of short stories with a lot of adjectives and new words for our students. They will really enjoy it!

* What do you think about this method?
* Would you use it in class as a future teacher?
* What do you think about my ideas as a resource (sounds OK and Mr Men books)?

Leave your comment, I expect it so excited!

1 comentario:

  1. Hello, Marta.

    I would like to answer to your questions:

    1. What do you think about this method?
    - For me, this method is one of the best. That's why we learn working with the spatial and musical intelligence, and usually is easier for the students that are learning new concepts. Also it breaks the routine of a typical class, the children needs to be active and with a lot of stimulus, not the usual activity of the teacher saying a word and the student repeating.

    2. Would you use it in class as a future teacher?
    Sure!, but the problem is that in our degree we haven't got any kind of complementary training, and it would be really useful for our future. I personally will look for this training to be able to teach Jolly Phonics to my children.

    3. What do you think about my ideas as a resource (sounds OK and Mr. Men books)?

    - If you didn't know, here you have the official page of Mr. Men & Little Miss:
    You will find some comic vignettes that could be a useful tool.
    The idea sounds good, but I would look or create complementary activities, not using it only as a book.
    **Maybe as an idea of a complementary activity you could give to your students the options to create their own Mr. Men or Little Miss with their own adjectives. With this activity you could evaluate if they learn and if they have understand the different adjectives.
    - And about the book Sounds OK, I haven’t heard about it before. Do you know if there are any on-line versions? Because it sounds interesting and I would like to have a look.

    Thank you for your resources, I will add it to my Bulletin Board ( ) because they are very useful and should be shared with the rest of our mates.


Thanks for the comment!! =D